Medical Form


What can be administered?

In school we can only administer medicines prescribed by a doctor or covered by a doctor’s note. All medicines must be clearly labelled with the child’s name. Calpol, Piriton and such medicines cannot be administered by school staff unless prescribed.

Medicines will not be administered unless we have the written permission of parents. Medicines forms are available from the school office. All medicines are kept in a box in the classroom or in the staff room fridge.

Once the medicine has been administered, the Medical Form will be completed and signed – and a copy will be given to the child to take home.

Allergies, Asthma and Other Medical Conditions:

Please ensure if your child needs medication, it is sent into school. At the beginning of each academic year, any medical conditions should be shared with staff and a list of these children – including their photograph and details of their conditions are kept:


  1. In the school office
  2. In the school kitchen
  3. In the staffroom

It is the responsibility of parents to inform the school of any known allergies and medical conditions. Children should have their inhalers in school at all times, these are labelled and kept in the classrooms. Key Stage 2 children are expected to take their inhalers with them whenever they do rigorous activity.