At Egerton, we aim to provide a curriculum which enables children to make progress and attain exceptional outcomes. Knowledge and skills are carefully planned and sequenced so that children’s prior learning is built on and through the application of key skills, used and applied. We aim to provide our children with the skills and knowledge to enable them to thrive and flourish in whichever pathway they choose for their future.
Our curriculum is broad, balanced and enriched with a strong approach to global learning including the teaching of Spanish from Year 1 to Year 6 and the work of our partnership with Egerton Primary School in Kenya. It is important that children are supported and actively encouraged to be curious about the world they live in.
We believe the key purpose of assessment is to move all children on in their learning in order for them to reach their full potential, now and in the future. Continual monitoring of each child’s progress gives a clear picture of what each child is achieving and their next steps. It is important that each teacher knows what has been remembered, what skills have been acquired, and what concepts have been understood. This enables teachers to reflect on what children have learnt and this informs future planning. The outcomes of our assessments will help children become involved in raising their own expectations.
How do we assess?
We use formative and summative assessment at Egerton
Formative assessment is the most frequent type of assessment used; teachers and teaching assistants use opportunities to understand what children know about a subject. Typical types of formative assessment used at Egerton Primary School include:
Making use of rich questions and answers by using Blooms Taxonomy
Targeted questioning
Use of whiteboards (or similar strategies) to quickly gain a whole class picture of
Verbal feedback
Self-assessment - Children marking their own work and highlighting areas which require further understanding or responding to success criteria and learning objectives
Peer assessments
On-going observations
Discussions with children individually or as a groupevidence in children’s books, and observations to assess the progress that children are making over time.
Summative assessment is less frequent - this is the use of tests or more formal assessments to find out what children have learnt. These formal summative tests occur termly and are recorded on Rising Stars website. We make use of assertive mentoring, age-related testing and standardised scores (PIRA, PUMA and GAPS) to identify individual and class gaps that feed directly into the next steps, individual targets and planning. These outcomes are communicated to both children and families each term.
The School Leadership Team will use the whole school outcomes to identify patterns or trends and review the data to inform whole school or phase areas for development. The Trustees of The Learning Alliance will carry out umbrella and comparative data
comparisons to ensure that the school is on track to meet their own targets and national expectations.
Teachers use a range of other assessments, both formative and summative to make a judgement about a child’s attainment at the end of a term. This information is then stored in our tracking software and used to monitor attainment and progress across the school.
Attainment and Progress
Link to School Performance Tables 2019 published on the DfE Website
Nationally Standardised Summative Assessment
Early Years
A baseline assessment is made during the first term.
Year 1 Phonics Screening Test
This test is administered internally. These results are then reported to the local authority and to parents.
National Key Stage One Assessments
At the end of year 2 pupils will be given teacher assessment standards in reading, writing, mathematics
and science.
The pupils also sit tests which consist of:
• English reading Paper 1 – combined reading prompt and answer booklet
• English reading Paper 2 – reading booklet and reading answer booklet
• English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1 - spelling
• English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2 - questions
• Mathematics Paper 1 – arithmetic
• Mathematics Paper 2 – reasoning
These are carried out in the classroom over the month of May and the children receive a standardised score where 100 is the expected attainment.
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
This check is administered internally. These results are then reported to the local authority and to
National Key Stage Two Assessments
At the end of year 6 pupils will be given teacher assessment standards in reading, writing, mathematics
and science.
The pupils will also sit tests which will consist of:
• English reading Paper 1 – reading booklet and associated answer booklet
• English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1 – short answer questions
• English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2 - spelling
• Mathematics Paper 1 – arithmetic
• Mathematics Paper 2 – reasoning
• Mathematics Paper 3 – reasoning
Please see link below for more information about KS1 and KS2 SATs.
Mrs Sedgwick,
Deputy Headteacher and Assessment Lead