Design and Technology
The new national curriculum describes a genuine design and technology experience in terms of 6 interrelated principles: user:purpose;functionality;design decisions;innovation and authenticity. In real terms, this means designing and making SOMETHING, for SOMEONE, for SOME PURPOSE.
At Egerton, we try to link our design projects to other curriculum areas so that they have a genuine purpose. The children will develop skills in drawing, cutting, joining, reinforcing and combining materials. Whilst existing products is our starting point, children are encouraged to think beyond familiar designs. Their ideas may be communicated in many different ways and innovation in design is encouraged.
Where ever possible their learning will be linked to a relevant context such as home or industry for food technology or leisure for a toy. Cookery, in particular combining savoury ingredients, will support Egerton’s approach to healthy eating.
The children will make a range of products that can be used in a range of contexts and therefore their success can be evaluated and improvements suggested.
*Both Art and Design and Design and Technology use the term ‘design’. In Design and Technology this refers to design as a response to a functional need, often not their own: in Art and Design this refers to a personal response that may be an expression of emotion and communuicates aesthetically with others.
Below, you will find the Curriculum and Outcomes attached for this subject.
This document lists how the objectives of the National Curriculum are covered throughout each year group and each half-term. You will also find an overview of the subject areas covered and the key outcomes expected for each child to be considered working at the expected standard.
Alongside this document, staff utilise the vocabulary and skills progression created by subject leaders during their planning and assessment. These progression documents are in place to ensure that all learning is differentiated appropriately, builds upon previous years and leads into the next, and fully covers the National Curriculum and beyond.