Year 5 2024 - 2025
Miss Garvey
Our key driver subject this half term is: History
Our Key Enquiry Questions 1. What was life like in Britannia at the end of the 4th century? 2. How did life change in England after the fall of the Roman Empire? 3. Why did the Angles, Saxons and Jutes settle in Britain? 4. Were the Anglo-Saxons pulled to Britain or pushed away from their homelands? 5. How was Anglo-Saxon Britain Ruled? |
HISTORY During the first half-term in the Autumn, children in Year 5 will explore the Anglo-Saxons. They will begin by learning about the fall of the Roman Empire and what life was like in Britannia at the end of the 4th century. They will then go on to explore where the Anglo-Saxons came from and where they eventually settled as well as why they fled their homelands. Later on in the topic, they will study how Anglo-Saxon Britain was ruled by exploring evidence.
This Autumn, Year 5 children will enhance their writing and grammar skills through the engaging story of 'Queen of the Falls'. By exploring and analysing this extrodinary true story, the children will practice organising paragraphs around a particular theme, using commas confidently after fronted adverbials as well as being able to identify the audience and purpose for their writing. Through consistent practice of these skills, the children will write a diary entry as their final written piece.
Our class Art project this half term is Collage and our key artist is Kurt Schwitters.
Children will explore SDG 12 which focuses on responsible consumption and production. Additionally to this, the children will explore children's right 8: identity through their work in Jigsaw particularly.
PSHE Jigsaw Units for Autumn 1 - Being Me in the World
In Jigsaw, the children will be exploring their place in the wider world during the first topic. They will begin by identifying some key goals and aspirations for the coming year and identify steps they can take to achieve them. They will explore their rights and responsibilities within the classroom and be able to identify what allows them to learn successfully. In addition to this, they will identify and generate ideas of suitable rewards for children that model excellent learning habitats.
Miss Garvey