Year 2 2024 - 2025
Miss Thorpe
Welcome to Year 2!
Our topic this half term is: Fighting Fit!
Our key driver subject this half term is: Science.
This term in Science, Year 2 will explore the 'Animals Including Humans' topic. They will learn that animals, including humans, have offspring that grow into adults and investigate the basic needs for survival, such as water, food, and air. As part of their learning, they will explore the Eat-Well Plate, discovering the importance of exercise, a balanced diet, and good hygiene for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Through a variety of scientific enquiries, including research and identifying, classifying, and grouping, children will gain hands-on experience to deepen their understanding of the needs of living things. This learning is essential in helping them to develop healthy habits and care for themselves and others.
Our Key Enquiry Questions
- Do you eat a balanced and healthy diet in a week?
- What makes a balanced diet?
- Which offspring belongs to each animal?
- Do longer legs make you a faster runner?
- What do animals and humans need to survive?
Our class text in our Pathways to Write unit this half term is: 'Troll Swap'.
This Autumn, Year 2 children will develop their writing and grammar skills through the engaging story "Troll Swap" by Leigh Hodgkinson. While exploring the novel, they will practice using punctuation correctly, including full stops and capital letters, and learn to enhance their writing with expanded noun phrases for description and detail. They will also work on using subordination (because) and coordination (and) in their sentences. These grammar objectives will be applied across various writing genres, including character descriptions, diaries, and stories with a character focus.
Our puzzle unit in Jigsaw is: Being Me in My World
In the Autumn term, Year 2 children will focus on the PSHE Jigsaw unit 'Being Me in the World.' This unit helps children develop a sense of identity and belonging within their classroom and school community. Throughout this unit, children explore key topics such as understanding their hopes and fears for the year, the importance of rights and responsibilities, and how their choices impact others. They will learn about rewards and consequences, promoting positive behaviour, and creating a safe and fair learning environment. By valuing each other’s contributions and recognising their own feelings, children build self-awareness, empathy, and respect, fostering a sense of community and cooperation in the classroom.
Our focus SDG for the term is: SDG3 Good Health and Well-being
In Year 2, children will learn about Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3), which focuses on ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all. They will explore the importance of good health, hygiene, and access to healthcare, understanding how these contribute to a better quality of life for everyone around the world.
Our focus Children's Rights Article for the term is: Article 15 - Setting Up or Joining New Groups.
During the Autumn Term, the Year 2 children will learn about Article 15 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which gives them the right to join groups and make friends. They will understand the importance of friendship, teamwork, and respecting others' choices in social groups, both in and outside of school.
Our class D.T. project this half term is: Sandwich Snacks
Our PE days for this half term are: Wednesdays and Fridays. If there are any changes, I will inform you with plenty of notice. Homework will be handed out on a Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Friday.
Below, is our curriculum map for this half term, showcasing the exciting things we will be learning about this half term.
Please make sure to check Seesaw for regular updates about our learning, homework and announcements.
Miss Thorpe.